i fixed the location and the code
You aren’t attempting to override the character in any way shape of form?
My other scripts are disabled as they are all failed attempts are doing this same thing.
Should I maybe be clearing accessories before doing this?
does at least some parts turn invisible???
I don’t think it’s possible because you cannot set a mesh to be transparent, or change its MeshId
local players = game:GetService("Players")
print("Making the character invisible")
for _, BodyPart in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
if BodyPart:IsA("BasePart") or BodyPart:IsA("MeshPart") then
BodyPart.Transparency = 1
This is strange, very very s t r a n g e
They have MeshParts as body parts, not unions
Which is the cause of the problem, since they cannot be transparent or changed
If I can remember properly, the transparency of MeshParts were editable…? Not sure.
For some reason, it isn’t working here
Still only the head turns invisible.
Here is the inside of the character in workspace
That is becuase the other parts of your body are MeshParts
How about creating a part with the same bounds of the mesh and replacing it with the part?
I’m pretty sure you can change the properties of MeshParts
inside Characters, it wouldn’t make sense if you couldn’t, also MeshParts
do have a Transparency property
(Why are you replying back to me again I’m not the OP)
Sorry, for clarification, by changed I meant the MeshId
P.S i replied becuase you used UnionOperation instead of MeshPart (sry abt it)
Hold up, I tried changing the transparency from the studio and it works, but strangely not from the script? Will investigate
yes, manually changing the transparency in studio works fine
I figured it out.
I found a similar problem here
Instead of CharacterAdded
try using CharacterAppearanceLoaded
e.g. (source: Jackscarlett)
local players = game:GetService("Players")
if char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil then
print("Making the character invisible")
for _, BodyPart in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
if BodyPart:IsA("BasePart") then
BodyPart.Transparency = 1
Yepp thats it! thankyou sir!
strange that waitforchild didn’t work originally tho
WaitForChild only waits for the object to exist, not for the assets to load
player.Character:GetDescendants() that why use this