local client = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local playerModule = require(client.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("PlayerModule"))
local controls = playerModule:GetControls()
print("Disabled controls.")
I published this to a game with a single local script containing the above. I joined the game 3 times and the controls were properly disabled. On my 4th try the controls were not disabled.
What could be causing this? I’m not entirely convinced this is an engine bug (possibly just a bug with PlayerModule), but It’s highly impacting our game.
This also seems to only affect actual in-game, and never studio.
It’s still giving us trouble, I have no idea what the problem could be. I even tried cas:UnbindAllActions() in the same way as the script I provided, and even that has the same problem.
Join this place, press f9 and wait 5 seconds until it says your controls disable. I joined 4 times and on my 5th try I am able to walk around despite the following code being ran:
local cas = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
print("Controls disabled.")
Was able to reproduce the same bug with your code, I’m seemingly able to reproduce it 100% of the time if I start roblox minimized and then open the client a few seconds later.
I’m leaning towards this is an engine bug since only some players can reproduce this, thanks for your help and testing though.