Player Count (Ask)

About this how to make the function though?

I have not heard of ProfileService before, however there is no need for incredible speed in this use case. If ProfileService works as smoothly as regular datastores it will probably be a good alternative.

DateTime gives you the day you are currently on (or another day if you give it other input). Comparing the stored date with your current date will tell you if you are on a new day or not.

You don’t have to retrieve data at all really, and there is no point of last saved checks. You can just generate a new key for each day and increment its value everytime a player joins a server. Example:

local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService");
local playersService = game:GetService("Players");

local today ="!*t");
local key = ("%i_%i_%i"):format(, today.month, today.year);

local visitsStore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("visits_1");

	visitsStore:IncrementAsync(key, 1);	

To get the visit count of a day:

local count = visitsStore:GetAsync(("%i_%i_%i"):format(day, month, year));

And for the people worried about memory consumption, you can only keep the visits count of, say, 30 days by just using :RemoveAsync(). You can get the key like I mentioned above.

EDIT: Updated the code a little:

local datastoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService");
local playersService = game:GetService("Players");

local visitsStore = datastoreService:GetDataStore("visits_1");

local today ="!*t");

local function getKey(date)
	return ("%i_%i_%i"):format(, date.month, date.year);

local function getVisits(date)
	local s, e = pcall(visitsStore.GetAsync, visitsStore, getKey(date));
	if not s then
		warn("There was an error while retrieving the visits on the day" .. tostring(date) .. "\n" .. e);
		return tonumber(e) or 0;

	local s, e = pcall(visitsStore.IncrementAsync, visitsStore, getKey(today), 1);
	if not s then
		warn("There was an error while incrementing the visits DataStore:\n" .. e);
	local requiredDate = {
		day = 20,
		month = 3,
		year = 2022,

Also, I don’t think memory consumption would be an issue here. All we are doing is saving a number on each key per day, right? Thats even less memory than the simplest leaderstats Datastore implementation. Either way, I have provided a solution for the issue in the top.


This is a neat solution. I got so focused on the “http or not” discussion that I completely forgot he may want to store multiple days.

But how to make it so I can make total for a week too? Let’s say 7 days, 1st day - 7th day same 100, so it will total to 700 and Send webhook at 00:00 of monday next week? I don’t ask about how to make webhook but how to make it automatically send the value every beginning day 00:00 of next week

Got a simple solution for that using the getVisits() function I already wrote in my previous post:

The date here is the first date of the week, and it works its way to 6 days after the given date and adds to the count.

local function getWeekVisits(date)
	local dateInS = os.time(date);
	local count = getVisits(date);
	for i = 1, 6, 1 do
		count += getVisits("!*t", dateInS + (i * 86400))); -- 1 day = 86400 seconds
	return count;

So if you wanted to get the the weekly visits of this week considering today as the last day of the week, provide the date 7 days from before now. To get that date, this is what I found easy:

print("!*t", os.time(lastDayOfWeek) - (7 * 86400)));

Or the easier way is just to change the sign from + to - in the line:

dateInS + (i * 86400); -- change the "+" to "-" to change the day from first day of week to last day of week

EDIT: Forgot to use the UTC date :man_facepalming:

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The limitation that breaks this use case is the 6 second write cooldown per key. It works fine with just a few players in just a few servers. But with more servers all writing to the same key, it breaks.