Player Menu Update?

After looking through the CoreScript for a few seconds, the problem is obvious.

The CoreScript IS reading from the SetCore method and applying it to the isAvatarContextMenuEnabled variable, but the DEBUG_MODE variable overrides it. DEBUG_MODE’s value is tied to RunService:IsStudio()


local DEBUG_MODE = game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() -- use this to run as a guest/use in games that don't have AvatarContextMenu. FOR TESTING ONLY!
local isAvatarContextMenuEnabled = false
StarterGui:RegisterSetCore("AddAvatarContextMenuOption", function(...) QueueSetCoreMethod("AddAvatarContextMenuOption", {...}) end)
StarterGui:RegisterSetCore("RemoveAvatarContextMenuOption", function(...) QueueSetCoreMethod("RemoveAvatarContextMenuOption", {...}) end)

local hasTrackedAvatarContextMenu = false
	function(enabled) isAvatarContextMenuEnabled = not not enabled 
		if isAvatarContextMenuEnabled and not hasTrackedAvatarContextMenu then
			hasTrackedAvatarContextMenu = true
			AnalyticsService:TrackEvent("Game", "AvatarContextMenuEnabled", "placeId: " .. tostring(game.PlaceId)) 
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I know right, so obvious.

How do you get rid of it? so annoying -__-

At the moment you can’t if you dont have custom CoreScripts. Dont worry though, it will probably get fixed very soon.

That’s been around for a few months. It’s always been disabled by default.

Quick! Somebody find a way to override RunService:IsStudio()! lol

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Not sure why you had to necrobump to complain about that. If there’s an issue with a feature on Roblox, create a bug report or rep an existing one with some information or a brief description mentioning that it’s still broken. If you aren’t a full member, ensure you follow the post approval procedure process which is both available in the announcements under rules and the DM you got when you were promoted.