Player slides to the side whilst jumping if he's on a wedge, and "loses control" for a few seconds; why is that?

I’m trying to make a wedge that the player will be able to run up on; with the walking speed 90. The problem with having such high walking speed is that when I jump while running up the wedge/ramp, the player sort of slide upwards and towards the side until you gain control again and start running again.

I’ve tried changing the players hip height and stuff like that, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

humanoid.HipHeight = 4

Without the SetStateEnabled the player will bug/lag, and will not run up the ramp smoothly, but it’s probably what’s causing the bug as well. I’m not sure.


This is the ramp I’m trying to run up on.

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This actually is mostly an annoying problem with Roblox’s Collision, even if you try to set climbing to false, you would (if you look closley) notice that the character actually goes into the slope a little.

A guy that actually worked on Speed Run 4’s Running system suggested a way to fix this:

If you couldn’t understand it though, you could just make the ramp like a conveyor when you step on it.

[quote=“ObStactionD3stroy3r, post:1, topic:284100”]
walking speed 90
Also, are you trying to make a speed run game? I’m using the exact same walkspeed for my game lol :smile: Also, I ran into this exact same problem as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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haha nah, I’m just testing physics, and trying to make things easy for the future.

Did you fix your problem; if so how?

I’ve kinda fixed it by doing it my own way temporarily for now by disabling climbing (like how you did) but of course ran into the same problem.

Though, it was actually kinda different since it was very rare for the character to begin sliding to the side. Didn’t notice it alot till you bringed it up.

I didn’t change hipheight though since It would still be the same problem where the player runs the body into the slope.

(Currently still trying to fix it, just used temporary fixes.)