Player standing on a part moved by Velocity & BodyForce?

My ultimate goal is let a player standing on a moving part that moves by a given a LookVector, without interrupting it’s movement. TweenService is neglected because I don’t think player’s can stand on objects that is tweened by CFrame.

Currently I’m using BodyForce and Velocity to move a part:

r.Velocity = r.CFrame.lookVector * 5
local bodyForce ='BodyForce', r)
bodyForce.force =, r:GetMass() * workspace.Gravity, 0)
I tried setting it to Massless or tweaking it’s Custom Physics Properties, but the output behavior is pretty much same, is there any solutions/substitute to this? I’m relatively new to this.


If you haven’t already fixed this yet, the only thing i would know to do is use TweenService and add barriers(turn off cancollide). And when they touch the part, they can collide with the barriers.

He said in the post that he doesn’t want to use TweenService for this reason.

A possible solution could be to use EgoMoose’s Gravity Controller Module / Wall Stick Module. That really the only solution that I can provide for something like this.

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