The character died. Sorry for the horrible resolution but roblox’s recording tools aren’t very powerful.
How exactly should I go about that? Character.Head.CanCollide= false?
correct! wow so many characters!!
No problem! I’m guessing that the humanoid got glitched some way when you rotated the head, perhaps right into the truss and your character oof (split).
Sadly, it didn’t work. My friend is making a different script with the same goal, and for some reason his works. There is one problem though, it doesn’t look at the player, how would I do this without replicating my previous script?
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local char =script.Parent
local runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
local campart ="Part")
campart.Name = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name.."'s Camera"
campart.Transparency = 1
campart.CanCollide = false
campart.CanQuery = false
campart.CanTouch = false
campart.Parent = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Cameras")
local hr = char:FindFirstChild("Head")
if hr ~= nil then
local x = hr.Position.X
local y = hr.Position.Y
local z = hr.Position.Z
campart.Position =, y+25, z)
camera.CFrame = campart.CFrame
ok after all the bugs, I caved and just watched a tutorial can’t say I didn’t try
LOL sorry I didn’t reply (was busy so afk). Happy to hear it got solved!
Ok so update for anyone who comes across this, for some odd reason the code only teleported them when the camera was at +25 studs up from the players head. Don’t know why but atleast I can remove this trash tutorial script
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