"Player:Move called, but player currently has no humanoid" spamming when character is destroyed

I’m trying to create something very random and I decided to just destroy the character when the player joins because it’s not needed, however I got this thing spamming when the game runs:

The script is kind of simple, anyway.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

	local character = workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name)

My braincells do not have enough power to analyze how to solve this, so I assumed that y’all could.

That’s probably a corescript issue, since the warn message came from - studio instead of a line from a script. If you wan’t a player’s character to just not load then you can just go with

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false


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Set the Players.CharacterAutoLoads to false and then put the Health on the Humanoid to 0 and then destroy the character

Seems like I forgot to mention that when PlayerAutoLoads is set to false, nothing from StarterGui loads…

You can clone the guis yourself. By placing all your guis in some folder in replicatedstorage and just cloning it into a player’s playergui folder when they join

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This happens if you delete character using :Destroy() function, use :Remove() instead.

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