Players moving forward on train

As you seen from the video below, when my character is riding the train, it keeps moving foward. How do I fix this. The train uses body velocity to move


you can’t actually, that’s roblox physics, you can try faking that the train moves, while actually it just stand on one place while environment moves. But i don’t think this will fit in your game

You may be able to apply the same Velocity as the train to the Player, just like real life

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Due to the limitations of roblox’s physics engine , you can’t be stood on any type of moving vehicle which uses bodymovers without getting pushed off. There is a work around it by using scripts but it is simply too complicated for I myself to explain.

Try tweening the train to make it move. Since this relies on Position and CFrames and not physics, it should work

I found a thread similar to this and this should help you @Chimmy_Coder