Playing a sitting animation crashes roblox studio

Throught my time in roblox studio, i’ve never a bug like this, every time i played an animation the game just, crashes.

It started happening recently, a few days now, i bugged it off, but now its a big problem, not only on studio but also the roblox game.

Thanks in advance.

If you want a different theme, you can change it under your preferences.
Click your icon in the top right, click the little person tab, select “Preferences”, go to “Interface” and change the theme.

If you didn’t change your theme and it looks different maybe you have a browser extension changing it. Make sure you don’t have any user scripts or user styles that could be affecting it.

What does that have to do with this post?

Sorry, I thought he was having issues with the forum as this was a forum bugs post. My bad!

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Have you tried doing player.Animator:LoadAnimation?

local Char = seat.Occupant.Parent
player = Char.Humanoid
anim = player.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.sit)

Humanoid:LoadAnimation and AnimationController:LoadAnimation was deprecated a while ago:

It probably has to do that i am using a custom motor6d for each tool