Please help! hiding other places inside the same game

no, the bug is in the server script

is now with more bugs… and now is no hide the world too image image image

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i reedited my script, pls retry.

no works, maybe i add you to the team create and you look at that?

So basically you have like Islands that can be unlocked. Then when you unlock them, you can teleport there. But you don’t want people to jump up and say “Hey look, there is an island over there!”

You can build it outside of render draw distance. You can also clone islands from serverstorage when needed too. Like Natural disasters does. You can then just destroy them. If you want to keep the contents the same, you can just parent it to server storage and then parent it back to workspace when you want it back.


You could make the barriers of each part of the map tall so the zoom of the player can’t zoom up enough for the player to look over it, or put the maps outside of render distance of each other with teleports leading to each one, also shift lock is a problem so in the barriers put 2 layers of the barrier so the shift lock can’t see through.

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This should be whateverItIs.OnClientEvent:Connect(function. You need to connect to an event, you don’t just call it directly.

This should fix the first error @REALINONOOBYT


There is a far simpler solution to this. If you don’t care too much about loading times, I am sure these maps won’t affect it too much, you can simply put all the maps into ReplicatedStorage. From there you can have some sort of way to detect that a player is going to a new world. This can be done via a Part.Touched event or a UI interaction such as pressing ‘e’ when close to a door. When the event to teleport to a new world is made, you can locate the model the player is trying to enter in ReplicatedStorage then parent the current map that is loaded in Workspace to ReplicatedStorage and parent the new map to Workspace.

  1. Locate the Map that the player is trying to load in where the maps are stored in ReplicatedStorage and let’s call this LoadedMap

  2. Parent LoadedMap to Workspace

  3. Parent the old map to where the maps are stored in ReplicatedStorage

IF maps are constantly changing then use :Clone() instead of just re-parenting the map


My idea is just that. I will improve my script later.

@Arkiuma you can show in-game maybe what you actually mean?

If by that you mean hide a place/model there is a trick to make it invisible.

yes thats what i am actually mean. what is the trick?

I don’t really know it :confused:

You know how you can do Model.Parent = [A NEW PARENT]? Let’s say your entire map is put into a model or folder, re-parenting the map from ReplicatedStorage to Workspace will make the map render/appear. When an object that is currently parented in Workspace in this case, the map, is parented to let’s say ReplicatedStorage the object disappears.

I am not sure exactly how or what you want me to show you in-game, the maps just appear and disappear? Are you confused as to how this would work in a script?

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This are four different solutions for two different needs:

  1. Different place files and teleporting. (some Players on both areas at the same time.)
  2. Outside the render distance, place really far away from each other. (some Players on both areas at the same time.)
    I’d suggest num 2 for quick play like meepcity, 1 for a large game like Vesteria.

  1. Parent it between ServerStorage/Workspace or clone it from ReplicatedStorage (more memory intensive). (Players all on one area at a time.)
  2. Make it invisible when players are not on it at that time. (Players all on one area at a time.)
    I’d suggest 3a.

You would need to keep your different “places” at least 100,000 studs away from each other and they will not be visible to one another. Note that this may change if Roblox decides to increase the draw distance in the future.

i found another way for that by using clones from lighting. but thanks :slight_smile: