[Please Help!] How to add IK constraints with script?

I am working on adding moving pedals to my driving game. I have an IK that gets added to the player’s Humanoid when they enter the car, and it works fine other than the knee bends backwards. I have tried using a script to add a HingeConstraint to the character on spawn, but it doesn’t affect the IK at all, it just says that it’s out of the limits.
Here’s a screenshot of the problem:

The leg in the back is the one with the problem, and the one in front is what I kind of want it to look like.
Here’s a script in StarterCharacterScripts that adds the constraint:

local character = script.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
player:WaitForChild("IsInStartGUI").Value = true
game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.MainMenu:FireClient(player, true)

	if character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
		local one = character.RightUpperLeg.RightKneeRigAttachment
		local two = character.RightLowerLeg.RightKneeRigAttachment
		local attach0 = nil
		local attach1 = nil
		if one:FindFirstChild("Attachment") then
			attach0 = one:FindFirstChild("Attachment")
			attach1 = two:FindFirstChild("Attachment")
			attach0 = Instance.new("Attachment")
			attach0.Parent = one
			attach1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
			attach1.Parent = two
			one.WorldCFrame = two.WorldCFrame
		local rightKneeConstraint = Instance.new("HingeConstraint")
		rightKneeConstraint.Parent = character.Humanoid
		rightKneeConstraint.Name = "RightKneeConstraint"
		rightKneeConstraint.LimitsEnabled = true
		rightKneeConstraint.UpperAngle = 10
		rightKneeConstraint.LowerAngle = -90
		rightKneeConstraint.Attachment0 = attach0
		rightKneeConstraint.Attachment1 = attach1

The CarAdded event runs once the player sits in the seat (which is right after they select their car).


Does anyone have any ideas? I really need help with this


Google searches don’t come up with anything useful.

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Still in beta, have you tried this?

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It works! Thank you so much! I’m surprised I didn’t see that earlier.

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No worries you are not the only one. Hopefully it will get updated soon.

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