Please Revert the "Friend Activity" Update

unfortunately, it doesn’t work for every account, I logged into my alt (cuz my main got banned AGAIN) and I still have the “Friend Activity” thing


I also still have this. Any idea on when they will remove it for everyone?


This update has not been reverted for everyone as seen in the above replies. It is likely that this is possibly an A/B test and you are no longer eligible for the update, me and many other players still have this update so it is not yet solved!


Mine was reverted. I assume that they are slowly returning it to before to ensure no issues are caused when going back.

Update: it came back…


I had it for a little big along with some other friends who usually get rollouts quicker than me, and they’re reporting it’s gone too, so I assume it’s what the post above me is saying


I created a chrome extension for it called “Roblox Better Friends Visited” which moves the banner and re-applies the game rating and player count. It’s also open source.



Mindboggling that this was the design Roblox chose to test this idea with. Confounding variables here are a mess; this is obscuring two important data points with a label that’s not always relevant to the person looking at it, this is not going to give you a meaningful measure of how performance changes when you show friend activity per tile versus in a sort, not even with other possible changes to the homepage to reduce the likelihood of showing dead games, people still want the assurance before they click. This is a waste of time and a pointless generator of anger for both players and developers alike.


I strongly dislike this change. It makes the user experience worse and removes useful controls from the users


I got the update again - please do something about this.


All of the games I see with “friend activity” don’t have any supposed “friend activity” at all.

We ““played”” this together like a week ago.

This is such a massive UI failure. Who thought of this? And ESPECIALLY who approved this? Yeah, just hide literally all of the insanely useful game information just to display one fact that could be indicated by a tiny icon.

Not to mention the fact that they also changed the avatar outfits page for whatever reason. Now all of my outfits are in a completely random order every time. Awesome!!! So much for muscle memory. Who thought of this? Creation order was FINE. It can’t be a bug, I don’t know what could even cause that by accident.

I swear to god, Roblox UI changes are written up by a monkey at a typewriter at this point.



is Firefox support planned? Also, where can we download this I don’t see the download link.


Still in created order for me.

Seems like they fixed it in the time since.


This change is back. And now, when I opened Roblox home page, it just became 50% like this:

Roblox, if you can’t do things normally, at least try to look what people here suggested, I think even this banner can do much better if it will be moved like on this picture:


Not at the moment, but for the download link it usually comes up as the first result when googling “Roblox Better Friends Visited”

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That’s horrible… I like the update because it catches my eye and as a resultt I have found so many new games to play.


bumping this, please do revert this, or atleast make it a toggle.


And the rest of us hate it for that exact same reason. Usually, when there’s a bad update, I’ll just suck it up. But this one is so horrible I had to make this to request to have it gone forever.


What if you wanted to see the current amount of players, but Roblox said FRIEND ACTIVITY

In all seriousness, I really would love to know who thought this would be a good idea. In my opinion, it just makes the home page look messy and unorganized. Doesn’t seem like Roblox plans on reverting it, however, so we might be stuck with it.


I think that’s because this post is in favor of removing it - and so it doesn’t catch the attention of someone wanting to keep the change. :sweat_smile:

How many friends do you have that play games with 0 players? Is it really that important?

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