I haven’t seen a raid on the devforum and if there ever was one, it must’ve been months-years ago. If someone wanted to raid I’m sure literally any other site would be better… i’d rather raid a forum about parenting or baking that doesn’t require me to read their topics for hours to post 1 bad thing for my account to get banned easily. it’s just not that fun
Also, I doubt the time will be lowered anytime soon as most are relatively happy right now how it is but the few that arent (like you and others) want it to be raised.
I think my complaint is that the time is being continually lowered. A few months ago, two weeks was considered low, and that is only getting lower and lower.
I just don’t want it to drop to a level where someone who occasionally visits the Forum for announcements, and doesn’t even consider themselves a developer becomes one. Not to say that’d be a bad thing, but if it got to a level where those who weren’t even developers were getting in, it’d be a problem imho.
I don’t think it will be lowered anytime soon as there have been a few topics on this and nothing has changed, I think most people agree that this is a more reasonable time. A couple hours to you may not mean a lot but may mean a LOT of time for those who have school then a job, then must study and have other activities.
There are people who consider themselves just testers or translators on here. There are also people who aren’t developers at all and just like to read or see some topics. It would be a problem yes, but I’m not too concerned as theres not a huge demand for your average player to get into the forum when they themselves are not a developer (they probably don’t care to read about stuff that doesn’t make sense to them or is just long)
Sure, however there is a LOT of kids causing disruption on the forums. There should, at the very least, be some sort of check to prevent all of that spam. cough applications cough
As the forum grows, flagging is starting to become less and less of a viable solution. codinghorror, one of the founders of Discourse (the forum’s software), outright said that flags should be very rare, whereas on the DevForum posts easily accumulate several flags; even if the post itself is acceptable.
As someone who reads a lot mroe than he posts, I encounter a lot of spam and flag it; I’ve noticed more and more of these flags being marked as ‘ignored’ or ‘disagreed’, even when they’re blatantly spam and were considered spam not more than a few motnhs ago.
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the forum is entering a phase where flagging will no longer be a viable option; be it due to falling moderation standards, asumptions that ‘the flag system doesnt work’ (see also: Roblox reporting system), or just too much spam for DET to deal with.
Those are fair points, though I’d push back against applications as a solution unless there was a completely new way of doing those. The old method required you to have things on Roblox to show, whether that be entire games or a showcase of assets, which immediately closes off the forum to people coming in from other platforms who could do with chatting to Roblox devs here on the forum to help them port over their knowledge.
Additionally the applications were incredibly slow and I only got into the forum after emailing devrel a few times directly to let them know I really needed access to work effectively and to discuss some issues we’d been having in our games with engineers, and that I’d been waiting months to get access.
After being given Member I was promoted to Regular less than 48 hours later, purely based on my first few posts and replies which the Community Sages had seen.
That was 2018. The platform, the number of developers, and the number of people who would apply have only grown since, and I don’t know if the devrel team has grown at the same rate, so I feel like the application process would potentially be even slower, leading to more responsible, mature, experienced developers who could be trusted with TL2 being stuck at TL0 unable to post anything at all.
I think I sent my application around February 2018, and got accepted towards the end of June.
As much as we need to protect against spam, and I agree with some of your points that more could be done, we also have to remember that there are professionals who hope to use Roblox as a full-time job and are considering switching from other platforms to Roblox.
I think there will have to be a balance somewhere, as a fully manual process struggles to scale, but a fully automated process can let in more spam.
The requirements are not that simple, there’s a high degree of randomisation and constant changes to prevent spammers from being able to abuse the system. This means that there are some TL1s with 10 minutes of read time, and some with 8 days of read time.