Pls help me to fix

I’ll try well right now, I’ll turn on the computer and test it

And where to write this script then, can you tell me?

Change this line:

plrsGui.Frame.barFrame.Percent.Text = player:FindFirstChild(targetStat.Value).Value.."/"..targetVal.Value

I’m talking about this script, where to write it?

strength = math.clamp(strength, 0, limit)

don’t write that part. that’s not needed

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I have an NPC who gives me a task I don’t have it in the quest

can you help or do you think? or what do you have there

add this to the top of the code

local plrsGui


I said to the TOP of the code, not the line

and then the location to write or what?

local plrsGui
--the rest of your code

local plrsGui = game.StarterGui.QuestGui

you know what, yeah do that
make it become


I have 0 percent how to fix it, although I have a quest

Unable to assign property Text. string expected, got nil - Client - LocalScript:15

Hello, will you help me huh? I just saw you on the net

show the new script please. thanks