[PLUGIN] Assets Watcher | Say goodbye to the hidden backdoor / virus

Update 2.0.0

  • Some interface has been modified
  • Added plugin permission check system (you no longer need restart when you give permission to the plugin)
  • Modification on the Settings page
  • Added the option Customize detections
  • Other minor bug patch

New Trailer : Roblox Assets Watcher Plugin V2.0.0 - YouTube

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Update 2.1.0

  • Added a new watch option to scan Default Services inside the game. (It’s like a game scan)
    These Default Services include the Workspace,Lighting,MaterialService,ReplicatedFirst,ReplicatedStorage,ServerScriptService,ServerStorage,StarterGui,StarterPack,StarterPlayer,Teams,SoundService,Chat,LocalizationService, and the TestService.
  • The UI now displays the name of the base object while searching for scripts.

If you decide to do this type of scan I recommend you to activate FastVerify under Settings, this one will remove wait() inside loops and make the plugin fast, however in big places or on bad computer it is possible that Roblox Studio stop responding for a while.

Know Issues

  • The UI can display a higher number of scripts detected during a default services scan because it use the same variable. This problem is only visual and won’t causes problem when showing the suspicious list at the end.

I know this post is a bit old, honestly I didn’t planned to update it anymore but after seeing a user claiming to have problems with a virus/backdoor and having some free time I decided to include a feature that was requested to me a long time ago.