Plugin Debugging: New Beta Feature!

OMG, are you guys like watching me? :eyes: I’m literally creating a plugin right now…

In all seriousness, you guys are the absolute best! The timing is also appreciated, personally. :clock10: I can’t tell you how hard it is to debug using only print. Sure, it can cover most cases, but not all.

But Plugin Debuggin’ comes to the rescue! :superhero:

Finally, scripts and plugins have equal rights (in terms of debugging, at least).

P.S. It has a nice ring to it. :bell:

Anyways, thank you to everyone who worked on this!
Keep it up, Roblox! :roblox_light: :roblox:


Now I don’t have to manually save the plugin all over again when I make a change :smiley:
Thanks for improving our plugin development workflow, it is REALLY appreciated!


Okay but for real this is nice. Debugging and creating plugins will now be so much easier and so much more efficient. :smiley:
But why must we restart twice? lol.
Anyways, nice, Roblox.


One word: Finally!
Thank you for the update, we really needed it!


Hurrah! My plugin development workflow has been excruciatingly slow due to having to republish after every change, now this’ll definitely speed things up. Thank you!


ALAS!!! Having to reload plugins has been the most painful thing about plugin development and greatly discouraged me from working on them. HOWEVER, now I can finally make plugins easier!

Definitely a step leap in the right direction! I hope to see more QOL updates for plugin development! They are powerful tools developers can use to create amazing games, so it’s very important they get the attention they deserve!

I am super excited for this, here is a suggestion to take this feature a step further and making the workflow even smoother!



Seriously though, great feature. Plugin development is one of the most criminally under-supported things on Roblox.


Amazing update. It was always so hard for me to debug a plugin that I had, which I ended up throwing away anyways, but that is not the point. It was such a pain to debug it and the only way I could do it was with print statements and other things I could come up with. This update makes it far more easier to debug and I love that. Great job!


Finally, I’ve been developing plugins for a while and every error I’ve encountered was either hidden or just something very hard to find on the web since there are very few people who make plugins, this will probably make more people start making plugins.


Perfect timing! I was thinking this morning about making a plugin to aid in the development of my game, and this will make it much easier!

Glad to see good improvement from Roblox

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OK whoops. Someone else wrote that part of the post…


Finally. Plugins finally getting some love.

Thank. You.

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This is one of if not the most fun/funny announcements I’ve read; Thank you sir :tophat:.

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Mhmm, uh huh… likely story :smirk:


Troid is not joyed.

Plugin be destroyed.

Thanks bugs.

New feature, debug!

Thanks Doug.

For real though, this feature was long overdue, and now I feel inspired to go repair a plugin I’ve been neglecting to fix. Thanks CycloneUprising, very cool.

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Firstly, love this update post! 10/10!

Also love this new feature, it’s made plugin development so much easier!

One issue: Undo/Redo isn’t picking up any changes when I add/remove things to my plugins in PluginDebugService.


Thanks for bringing this great and useful feature :roblox_light:

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Is there any way to integrate Rojo with this new service? I’ve managed to sync the plugin, but when I Save and Reload Plugin it breaks the sync since it creates a new Plugin instance.

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I don’t think there is any straightforward way to integrate Rojo with PluginDebugService today. We know this is non-ideal for some users and investigating how to support your workflow.


My plugins like Yucon and Shared System are about to get juicier.

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