Plugin gui not working

It says PluginGui is not a valid member of the script even though it is? I’ve checked if I had any typos and I didn’t.

That depends on code in the Gui. Try and look at the code there. If there is none, then you might need it for it to have a “link” as I call it. It may still reference it, but what is in the code there?

Your plugin is working correctly, however you haven’t added any GUI elements to change the appearance of it. Please at least try to make a GUI for the plugin before asking questions like this.

(i clearly didn’t read the script correctly)

What do you mean by a gui element, I have a gui.

I didn’t realise, is the PluginGui a Frame?

No it’s a screen gui by the way.

First of all, change it to a Frame, a ScreenGui doesn’t work.

Nope that still didn’t work. I still get the problematic results.

That’s expected since you need to replace the WaitForChild with something like this

NW.Title = "plugin name here"

NW.Name = "plugin name here"

local MaxSize = 12
local MinSize = 6
local ThicknessSize = 0
local IsBorder = false
local AutoAdjustZIndex = true
local GlobalZindex = true
NW.Enabled = not NW.Enabled


local BaseGui = script.Parent.PluginGui
BaseGui.Parent = NW

I’m on my phone so I can’t guarantee that this’ll work however I’m looking through one of my plugins source code and this should work :grin:

Make sure the PluginGui is a Frame and it won’t work unless you move it up into YourPluginsFolder.PluginGui and not YourPluginsFolder.Script.PluginGui

Also to solve this, I had a similar issue a while ago and someone suggested this

This unfortunately did not also work.

I updated it with some advice, also it would help showing the output

Well I’ve checked all of the advice you’ve gave me but I’ve also checked the output and it came up with this:


Adding on, I’ve also tried to use waitforchild but it gave me this warning:

Also by the way, your image thing helped.

WaitForChild won’t work. I’d recommend looking at plugin documentation or looking at how plugins work (for the sake of making it easier, mainly those which doesn’t use for GUIs)

Do you have your plugins directory set somewhat similar to this since it should help:

Folder ¬

I don’t recommend using YouTube tutorials as they are only great when your starting to script and not for when you’re making stuff like Plugins

I fixed the problem now. The problem was that I was saving it as a local plugin. Thanks for your help anyway!

I fixed the problem now. The problem was that I was saving it as a local plugin. Thanks for all of your help anyway!

That solution is definitely wrong, even when it’s published it won’t work, saving it as a local plugin is practically the same as publishing the plugin.

I’ve tried it and it worked. Saving it as a local plugin saves it to your computer and thus, the screengui never goes with it and it gives me the error.

I had this same issue with my plugin, but what I found out is that having a ‘ScreenGui’ as the parent of the frame will cause it to appear blank. So to fix this all you need todo is get rid of the "ScreenGui’ and rewrite your code so it parents the frame to "Plugin Gui Widget’ instead. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Slight tom foolery (Ctrl-C Ctrl-V) (Documentation was vauge and i didnt understand this but thanks :happy4: )