Plugin mouse acting like game mouse

so i am only able to detect my mouse in this plain

and not in this

no this isnt a creations feedback if your wondering.
there is no special code i am just getting the mouse and activating the plugin but fsr it doesnt work in the said area and works in the above said area. WHY?

I know somebody did a Color wheel with HowToRoblox’s YouTube video, that might help you out

either it was me who made a topic a yesterday that got moderated fsr smh. or someone else but the problem is NOT THE COLOR WHEEL. it is roblox mouse. as I said the mouse like it doesnt work in widgets. it only works outside widgets.

Mmmmh, strange, are you using a UIGridLayout thing? I heard it can mess up those things, also may I see the hierarchy of your widget if possible?
(You can simply do GetDescendants() and print the table)

ok first no i am not using a uigridlayout second it not only for that specific plugin its for all

it works (mouse not in widget bounds)

nope (mouse in widget bounds)

I’ve had similar bugs with my mouse and plugin widgets with High Dpi displays in which textbox cursor ceases to exist. Try lowering your resolution and seeing if that helps. The bug is hard to reproduce for me and quite annoying.

Did you not search DevForum before asking? Maybe you did but this did not work?: How Do I Make Draggable UI Elements In A Roblox Plugin - #12 by Xsticcy

You can get mouse’s relative position doing this:


I actually did search for quite a while but to no avail anyways ill test it thanks!

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