Plugin not loading in correct game icons?

Working on a game organizer plugin right now. It loads in your 50 most recent games using an API.

However, I am finding that some of the game icons aren’t correctly loaded:

Being the creator of each game, I can confirm that I did not make those icons marshmellow head or mickey mouse overalls. Also, most of the icons are just white. Any idea why? Here’s my code to get the icons:
gameIcon.Image = """&fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420"

(experience is an object from a for loop that loops through the endpoint. The endpoint does work because it loads in the game’s names just fine.)

Is there a better way to get a game’s icon from its ID or is there something I need to fix? Thanks.

Edit: Most of these seem to be clothing and t-shirts:

You will need to get the Experience UniverseId using ProxyService

local ProxyService = require(-- Path To Module)
local Proxy = local Proxy = ProxyService:New(Arg1, Arg2) -- Change arguments to your heroku thing

local UniverseId = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(Proxy:Get(''..PlaceId).body)
gameIcon.Image = "rbxthumb://type=GameIcon&id="..UniverseId["UniverseId"].."&w=512&h=512"
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ProxyService takes too long to set up I am using a different one already. However I will try to modify your code to match my case

Try getting UniverseId with your proxy

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I don’t see anything called “UniverseId”

What’s the difference between game ID, place ID, and universe ID?

Use your proxy for this API

local UniverseId = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(Proxy:Get(''..PlaceId).body)
gameIcon.Image = "rbxthumb://type=GameIcon&id="..UniverseId["UniverseId"].."&w=512&h=512"

Honestly i don’t know but you cant get UniverseId without a proxy

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What is that?

I fixed it by getting the rootPlace’s ID rather than the game’s ID.

The UniverseId variable returns a table
This link returns this UniverseId:

But there is just roblox default icon

Yes, that is the icon of each game.


For example, here are some of my games with custom icons. Loading in fine.

Use the RbxThumb contentId format, specifically purposed for easy thumbnail loading.

image.Image = rbxthumb://type=GameIcon&id={Experience/UniverseIdHere}&w=150&h=150

The topic has already been solved, no need to reply any more.

Is it more efficient? I mean if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…

What’s that for exactly?