Plugin set Keybind for CreatePluginAction

Is there a way to set a default keybind for a newly created PluginAction through script?

The documentation sample shows how to create the PluginAction, but not how to assign it a default keybind.

local plugin = plugin or getfenv().PluginManager():CreatePlugin()
plugin.Name = "Plugin"
local function actionTriggered()
	print("Hello world!")

local pluginAction = plugin:CreatePluginAction("HelloWorldAction", "Hello World", "Prints a 'Hello world!'", "bxasset://textures/sparkle.png", true)
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No, it is not possible. PluginActions cannot be used until the user manually goes in and sets a keybinds for every action their plugin creates (or, at least the ones they care about). Plugins would need to open a prompt like “The following actions have been added to customize shortcuts. You will need to register bindings in order to use them”.

Right now they’re not very feasible to use


Do you know if there is a feature request to open this up? Seems really silly to me that they don’t allow this.

I understand the concerns, like having a plugin that overrides a default keybinding of some other feature, but those types of conflicts should be pretty easy to solve if the shortcuts menu gets some love.

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Yeah, there’s a feature request for this. Kind of a shame it didn’t go anywhere. PluginAction.AssignedShortcut and 4th CreatePluginAction() parameter