Portal Cropping Using ViewportFrames (ClipsDescendants issue)

Not on part A, the viewportframe is on a separate billboardgui that covers the screen.

I see. So about your explanation you convert the workspace camera in terms of B which is the part the viewport camera cframe is, and part a is the adornee of the surface gui?

Iā€™ve been having problems with this for days.

Making a portal game and I was impressed by what you did so i tried implemented it as my own. image

But i didnā€™t quite understand your explanation. If you could, please explain it in a way of making the blue portal the adornee of the surfacegui and the viewport camera cframe be the red portal, I would greatly appreciate it.

The method Iā€™m using doesnā€™t use surfaceGuis, it relies on a billboardgui and glass to simulate cropping camera views to a specific region on the screen.

Trust me, the transformations Iā€™m using alone wonā€™t suit your needs for surface guis, since the actual perspective of part surfaces will distort the view. I suggest taking a look at other modules like Egomooseā€™s since they account for this distortion.

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