Portal gun without viewport frame?

I’m making some portal like assets and was wondering if there’s a way to make a portal that doesn’t use viewport frame, but is seamless in transition. Any Ideas?

You probably could create some form of a ViewPortFrame yourself to replicate it’s function using math, but I could imagine it being extremely complicated, and it would be hard to create a convincing result.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “seamless transition”. EgoMoose’s example of portals using ViewPortFrames, isn’t perfect, but is pretty close. You can mess around with the method he demonstrated to create very smooth results. I based my non-euclidean mechanics example off of his portals, and they look pretty nice in my opinion.

ViewPortFrames aren’t perfect by any means, but they work decently in most cases, and will be only improved as time goes on I’m sure.