Portal inspired puzzle game | Virtuality

What is Virtuality?
Virtuality is a puzzle game heavily inspired by the Portal franchise that uses holograms as the main game mechanic instead of Portals. Virtuality is only worked on by one person (me lol) so constructive criticism would be appreciated

Beta levels 0, 1 and 2 of Virtuality.
All assets subject to change on beta release.

Donate today in order to fund this project in hopes of me releasing a full game one day.


Would like to develop this game as teammate?

i’m not really looking for any graphic designers. however, can you script?

I m actually graphic designer but not scripter.

This looks great! Here’s some feedback from someone who tried making a game like this:

  • Change the door sound(s)

    The sound of the door seems a little too loud and also just sounds obnoxious.

  • Make picking up the cube smoother

    When you picked up the cube, it just didn’t seem smooth. If you are using a BodyPosition (I think is
    the one that has the property), there is a Dampening property where the higher it is, the more
    smoother your cube will be, if that makes sense.

That’s really all I have for now, but this game looks great so far!

yeah they are just temporary sounds. i had my dampening for the bodyposition at 80, however i set it to 300 and its way smoother, thanks. ill attach a video of the new dampening tommorow as its 2:30am currently

nvm 300 was way to high, 250 is better

This is super cool, I really like how the design and feel of the game is super consistent. Keep it up and good luck!

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thanks so much! i will keep it up as i hope to release chapter 1 which contains story and lore to it. currently i cant do this due to no funding but im sure ill be able to soon