This portfolio has been closed

This portfolio has beedn closed


I don’t get it. What exactly is your discord??

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I dont have robux to pay you at the moment of this reply, but I’m hiring you buddy. :slight_smile:

You’re builds are exactly my type of builds…

Also, yea

Saturday / not working
Sunday / not working

Very good builder, will become a great roblox dev one day

Excuse me but, all your showcase pictures are currently free models made by differents developers, you can’t claim them as your own. Your portfolio should be deleted for that.

Also, some of these models do not fit together, they are not the same building style, so they aren’t made by the same modeler. Look at the difference between the water well and all other model for example.


Should i need to show more proof of these free models ?
It is funny to see someone who trying to claim free models as his own and say:
Professional Builder
If these pictures are copied, necessary actions will be taken about the person.
All Rights Reserved by AKIN19E_1