Portfolio Price Filter

90% of people who make a portfolio are looking to be hired. I don’t get why this is seen as “forced”. Nothing is forced, you can choose if you want to set a price range or not. But 90% of them already set a price range in the description itself, so this would help with discoverability (as I can instantly filter out all of the prices out of my range, thus making small developers more discoverable) while saving time from having to sort through every portfolio that is out of my budget.

The announcement says that the Talent Hub will have a section for Portfolios. While it’s not clear what it means by this, this means that Portfolios potentially may remain relevant.

My point was most do put a price in their post. Not doing so is just silly as it lowers the chance of being hired if a customer doesn’t know what your charging, especially for newer and small developers (although it will depend on the circumstances).

I don’t think it was ever clarified what it meant by Portfolios unless there’s a source I’m not aware of.

I’m confused.

What does this mean?

OP wants to be able to sort portfolios by the price ranges offered, but at the end this isn’t necessary, and will just be a waste of time since the talent hub is scheduled for Q2.