Possible to have a global and proxy chat in one and have different "channels"?

Looking at the Voice Chat | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub and was wondering if you could possibly have different channels and what I mean by channels is one where everyone can hear you and another where specific users could hear you however it would be global instead of spacial.

channel 1 would be heard by all users near by
channel 2 would be heard by all users on the same team as you globally meaning no matter where you are you could hear x emitter.

Hopefully the short explanation helps with your understanding.

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I was wondering this as well, hopefully someone has an answer

looking at:

havent tested it yet so no clue.

Ooh that seems helpful, thanks!

if its good lmk ill mark as sol.

I’ve been working on a module that utilizes a channel like structure to succeed Team Voice Chat and here it is:
(Uncopylocked) VoiceLink - Roblox

It’s pretty bare bones at the moment, but it can do either Proximity/Spatial or Direct/Global voice chat.

Here’s some simple documentation on how you’d use it:


local Channel = VoiceLink:CreateChannel({
	Identifier = 'MyFirstChannel',
	Type = 'Direct'

local function PlayerAdded(Player: Player)

for _, Player in Players:GetPlayers() do
	task.spawn(PlayerAdded, Player)


local Channel = VoiceLink:CreateChannel({
	Identifier = 'MyFirstChannel',
	Type = 'Proximity'

local function PlayerAdded(Player: Player)

for _, Player in Players:GetPlayers() do
	task.spawn(PlayerAdded, Player)

With sound effects

local Channel = VoiceLink:CreateChannel({
	Identifier = 'Channel1',
	Type = 'Direct',
	Modifiers = {
			Name = 'AudioReverb', -- corresponds to instance ClassName.
			Density = 10

local function PlayerAdded(Player: Player)

for _, Player in Players:GetPlayers() do
	task.spawn(PlayerAdded, Player)

Here are some of the possible sound effects/modifiers:

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I think I saw a resource post a while back that did something like this but I don’t remember. A while back being a few months or weeks.

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