Post-Approval for Recruitment Topics

Totally agree, it is very discouraging to see that the community (or admins) don’t want the new members participating in discussion.

Secondly, the standards to be a full member are set way to high. I have been active, making threads, and replying to people as well as receiving likes and still haven’t been promoted. The reason I mention this is because maybe if the admins lowered (a decently large amount) of the standards to be upranked then maybe we wouldn’t have the issue of post approval being flooded with post to go through. If the standards were lowered then I suppose it would be ok to make the new members go through post approval for recruitment.


I wanna address this cause I see it popping up a lot: I do not feel the devforum is unusable for new members, or even that the current restrictions hinder our ability to participate. I can only base this off of my perspective and that of those I have spoken to about it, however, and understand that this does not represent the new member group as a whole. Nonetheless, I feel the restrictions currently in place are very, very lenient.


Maybe, but it’s like that for a reason. New member is a trial rank, really.

I think it’s constructive to talk about how to improve the category rather than trying to link it to certain trust levels. Maybe New Members seem to disproportionally break guidelines over Members, but that’s just because there’s more New Members and they are newer to the forum, and typically younger. There’s a correlation but it’s not causation and some Members make trashy posts too.

I already mentioned that we are likely not going to be able to put post approval on more categories because of workload issues. Besides, the major goal of post approval is to make sure Platform Feedback is neat and orderly – other categories only to a smaller extent. Putting post approval on more categories is also not something we really want to do because we want to make the forum as permissive as possible without losing too much value in terms of discussion quality. (as someone mentioned before, it’s a fine balance)

Thanks for the feedback so far on how we could go about improving Collaboration category, please keep it coming!


Alright, here we go.

  • as I said earlier, community approval
  • PSA in Recruitment with suggestions for ideal prices and percentages
  • start removing topics that do not follow the template (they are generally the low-quality ones)

I don’t think adding post approval to the Recruitment category is very helpful either for us or you. We already experience massive backlogs with the categories that we do have watch over (which isn’t too many, we’re chiefly around Platform Feedback) and there’d be no reason for us to be impeding on managers trying to build teams.

Recruitment is a community effort and you can all do your part to help people improve rather than to hinder such as through suggestions like this. We have a PSA that no one ever actually reads and I know this for a fact based on what I see in the responses of such threads. Here:

If you see an unsatisfactory collaboration thread but it is something you’re interested in, feel free to send the thread creator a private message about their thread and give some constructive ways to improve their thread (they should preferably be objective or something that many people would agree with and not be representative of only your own opinion). You are also able to forward threads to Community Sages and Developer Engagement (especially the latter) if they don’t follow in the spirit of the category or seem insufficient for the category.

Just be sure not to minimod the category, that’s not acceptable forum behaviour. We have a dedicated, active and wonderful moderation team for handling situations here.


The issue is the current system(us trying to inform others of the standards we expect of posts on the forums) isn’t working. I strongly feel we need to(if not add post approval) add a strict, informative, unavoidable tutorial for creating posts in all categories.

Oh yes, as if there is any reason to make a forum barely usable. Secondly, when does the trial end? after one month, two months, 10 months, 2 years? We can’t discriminate people just because god forbid they haven’t met the insane criteria to be up ranked yet.

The new member sandbox is an organic way to help new users grow into top contributors. It can be tedious, but it’s not ‘unusable’ at all - I fail to understand the mob mentality about turning a forum into a self-regulating community and it being ‘impossible to use’ and ‘unfriendly’.


Pardon for the bump, however I believe this is even more necessary.

Or we could just disable replying in recruitment altogether. Like bulletin board. Fights are becoming waaay more common. People call each other out “for using free models” or otherwise copying or “using roblox studio tools”. It’s become so ridiculous.

Generally you don’t need discussions in recruitment.

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I get where you’re going, but replies could be used to give the person you hired positive feedback. Not sure if this is against the rules, but they could also be for
“Oh I want to hire you contact me!” posts.

DMs exist, I personally give my own feedback outside of recruitment.

similar quote

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I totally agree with this, usually people make the topic with just an “explanation”, and an social media were you can contact that person, i would like to see this in the devforum, please accept it.

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By that logic, all Help and Feedback categories should disable replying as well since many people can simply solve problems with DMs.

We don’t need another category that’s exactly like #bulletin-board

Plus, replying is essential for finding the right people for a job. It’s very easy for a recruitment thread to be buried in a few hours, replies are the only thing that can bump threads.

Without them, it’d be harder to hire anyone at all and development on all future Roblox games would probably slow down.

Post-Approval is better since a lot of the posts there are low-quality.

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This solution was considered by the Post Approval team, and they shot it down so strongly that I doubt we will ever see it’s expansion to any other area, ever.


Except that is a non-comparison. The forum is a public resource, and privately solving issues defeats the purpose. Developers who assist/ need assistance with their project don’t go to recruitment. They go to #help-and-feedback. We (and devs not in the forum yet) come for the announcements, tutorials and help and feedback. Not necessarily recruitment. And more people are suggesting disabling replies there. Generally, discord tags are left in recruitment as a way of communication. So they can use that.

Yes, like really, please.

The recruitment category is a dump with the influx of new members’ (relative to how old their join date is but isn’t limited to) poor posts which add nothing. Take this thread or any other recruitment thread offering serious $$$. While I’m not trying to say “let’s block all access to recruitment because members are making ridiculously crappy and uncontributive posts”.

I whole heartedly agree with the OP.

I can definitely agree with the recruitment section being a dump. I keep coming across posts that provide little to no information to go off and it really feels like a waste of time to me. I know people are excited to build their own development team but it’s starting to become a mess by letting every post go through with no approval. As you said getting posts out would take some time but it’s better than letting out every post that is basically out there just to waste people’s time.

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Repeating from earlier: It is infeasible to put post approval on Collaboration categories – we will need another solution for this. I do no want to waste our volunteers’ precious time and mental state on reviewing collab posts over i.e. feature requests and bug reports, which is much more important and what post approval is actually intended for.

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What about just making them read-only like bulletin board and only the OP can reply. Plus literally every topic is just ppl flaming for using free models