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Hello. I am blurryrabbits and I am interested in applying for the gfx artist position. Contact me on discord @§shawn§#8752.

Hello. I have tried to send you a friend request, however, it didn’t work. Please send me a friend request at Just Another Day#2543.

Okay sir! Thx. :smile:

30 characters.

I tried but it says you aren’t accepting requests.

Okay, you can try now. I changed my settings.

Okay. Thank you. :smile:
30 char

Hello! I see your post is still open, so take a look at my portfolio here.

Hello, I’m interested in your work. However, I have noticed that you have added a watermark in your examples. We will only hire you if you can make us our assets without the watermark.

I only put watermarks because I do not want people stealing my artwork. Just so you know! :slight_smile:

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