Post-processing effects

Yeah… We’ll try to do something about this.


I will also say my hack week project was done knowing it probably only worked on my computer. I have a pretty beefy gpu at ROBLOX HQ, so something like depth of field worked just fine on my comp. There is no way in hell it would work well on a 2 or 3 year old smartphone. Hack week projects are just that, hacks. I really just wanted to see what I could do with shaders because it is not my field of expertise :smile:


A common question is “will there be more post-effects”. You bet!

We do not have a list that we’re working on now. At some point after we ship effects everywhere, community starts playing with them and gets a hang of how they work and what’s possible, I’ll post a thread where we can discuss ideas for effects you’re missing.




Maybe it’s just the things that I would have wanted to use it for - things like when a person is damaged, or effected (say, you get hit by a “drunk effect” cannon by another player, your screen is supposed to go blurred, except if you’re below a certain graphics level it’s not going to affect you at all. I don’t really understand using something that you can’t be certain will affect some players, or that some players will purposely turn down their graphics settings to avoid. Imagine a zombie game similar to Apoc Rising, you’re bitten by a zombie and you need to take medication to prevent the change, while you’re infected the blur fades in and out making you more vulnerable to attacks by other players. Why play on level 10 settings when you could avoid this?

I’ve no idea how blur works technically, but when I’m rendering in 3D it’s usually based on samples, the more you have the cleaner the blur looks, do you have something similar? An ugly blur would be better than none at all in my opinion. Perhaps an alternative could be that pixelize shader that we saw in hack week? I could check the players quality level and enable blur if they’re over the threshold, and enable the pixelize if they’re below it. Providing that it worked on low quality levels…

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So make the screen tinted green, make controls weird, make aiming miss - why rely exclusively on blurring to make it harder to play?

Blur with fewer samples is a bit faster but there’s some fixed cost you pay as well.
Pixelization could be faster depending on the approach.

But bottom line is - there is a cost and your players on really low-end hardware would appreciate your game more if it did not run at 20 FPS. And it may be impossible to get the blur to be performant enough - some cards are bad enough that they struggle to run a level with sky & baseplate & a few thousand parts at 30 FPS.


Well that’s kind of the point, “don’t use blur because literally isn’t isn’t going to work, use something else” don’t get me wrong, it’s really great we’ve finally go these but more control would be appreciated - if my game is laggy then that’s my fault really, there’s a million and one ways to kill low-end devices FPS.

[quote=“zeuxcg, post:40, topic:25023, full:true”]Pixelization could be faster depending on the approach.[/quote]Could be useful for a future PP effect!


Yes please this works just as effectively!! For all the debuffs mentioned. :smiley:

Edit: Tyler beat me and also provided a sweet transition, alternate to the blur one.


I don’t know of any triple A game that doesn’t let you turn off blur effects, so they shouldn’t be necessary for gameplay value.

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Too much sun

Too much contrast

Too much saturation

Bloom catastrophe

Inverted colours


We updated Mac client to fix post effects.


I’m late on this again. qq

This has inspired me to make something… interesting.

Later tho. (aka never)

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idk whether this stuff actually belongs on this thread or the one in dev discussion, so I’m sort of just slapping it everywhere.

the changes to evil lair are less obvious (I gave it subtle color correction and low-intensity bloom).


would it be possible to have a frame that has whatever area it covers is blurred but not the rest of the screen?

like a blur but in a specific area. would be cool

Edit: just for the sake of seeing numbers…

how many of you think this would be a good addition

  • I’d love something like this!
  • No thank you

0 voters


That would be awesome to have!

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For what kind of use case exactly? I can’t really think of a situation where I want to have a rectangular blur (which may not be visible depending on platform) rather than blurring the entire world view.

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Raindrops on the screen, fake censoring for comedic effect, etc


Yeah, I feel like this is a case for a part material - somebody was suggesting frosted glass in this thread I think. I was thinking about a different glass material, could be cool maybe to have both.


I was asking if Roblox could ever implement blurry/wavy/frosted brick texture maps so developers didn’t have to use Neon for blurring (even though they used it for screen transitions, I use it for windows).

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