Posterize effect?

i’m looking for a way to have some sort of posterizing effect (basically limiting colors or color bit depth) in roblox studio

i’ve been looking for ways to recreate this for ages, and i’ve messed around with what limited effects we can use using lighting, but i cant find a way


(effect was done in pixlr)

i’ve tried colorcorrection, but this is the closest effect i can get and it obviously doesnt look very good

i saw on a post to change fog color to massive numbers, but it doesn’t work anymore so i’m assuming the graphics system was changed and patched it

any ideas on how to at least simulate the effect of posterization will be greatly appreciated


I only really see the effect in the sky, can’t you create that look in pixlr and import that in as a skybox?

i’m not trying to get a posterize effect on the skybox, i’m trying to get a posterize effect on the entire game
you should try zooming into the parts of the building to notice the effect better

You are correct, I wasn’t zooming in that closely… sorry i’m not sure how to get this effect (it is subtle) across the entire workspace.

bump since i still want to know

bump 2, i’m sure theres at least one hacky way, it could be with scripting, messing with things outside of the explorer or perhaps things you normally dont mess with in the explorer, anything even close to posterization can work as long as it makes a little bit of the effect

I’ve been searching for a posterization effect for a long time aswell, and I haven’t found anything. I think the fog was the only way to do it, but thats patched now.
Probably should ask for this in feature requests.

I found this in an old post.
So I got the effect. What you need to do is set the lighting fog color to really large negative numbers. I used the rgb -150000000, -150000000, -150000000

It apparently worked for the OP

Just tested it, doesn’t work, just makes everything really bright and annoying.

see thats the thing i said, that one is outdated, i mentioned it in the post

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i do appreciate your attempt though

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If i’m being honest I’m pretty sure there’s not a way to do this.

You can still achieve the posterized look with larger FogColor values. However, you cannot use fog(fog start and fog end at large numbers) or atmosphere. Cloud instances are also restricted to being white as you need an atmosphere to change their color. >:(

Something that should also be noted is that this may have issues with the other graphic modes/apis Roblox provides.

Hope that helps!


i’ll test it out one more time with different graphics modes

oh my goodness it works with those exact settings somehow, thank you

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oh it actually works with different settings too, thats weird, thank you once again though, finally i can add good posterization to my game

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