Powered Up Plata Mech is hidden despite being released

Reproduction Steps
Try to click the link to access the item and its accessory parts (The body parts are accessible just not the bundle itself or the accessories)
Powered Up Plata Mech
Powered Up Plata Mech - Gun
Powered Up Plata Mech - Goggles

Expected Behavior
There’s a catalog page for the item which you can view on the website.

Actual Behavior
Due to not having a catalog page it redirects you back to the main catalog page when you try to click it. It is also not wearable due to being hidden
When I tried to put on the bundle it didn’t allow me to put on the 2 accessories associated with it.

Issue Area: Catalog Assets/Website
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: Item Upload Date
Date Last Experienced: Current Date


Thank you for the report. We have assigned it to our team for review.

Please try again on your side. This should be fixed now. Do let us know if you are still encountering any issues. Thanks.


Hi, there are still some other “hidden” items mentioned in another thread, mind taking a look over there?

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