Prac - Little Anti Cheat

On production scale, I don’t find them pointless at all. They’re much more accurate in detecting additional patterns and it allows us to do some executor-specific blocking.

For example, detecting errors and logs from scripts not made by us. Or a detection that triggered on Happymod.

These client triggers have stopped countless of cheaters already.

Of course, this doesn’t stop the seasoned exploiters, but it stops script kiddies (aka 99% of the exploiting community). And when you circumvent this anticheat, you’ll have to deal with the server-side anticheat as well.

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for Index, Data in next, getgc(true) do
    if typeof(Data) == "table" and rawget(Data, "Detected") and typeof(rawget(Data, "Detected")) == "function" then    
        local Old; Old = hookfunction(Data["Detected"], function(Action, Info, NoCrash)
            if rawequal(Action, "_") then return true end
            if rawequal(Info, "_") then return true end

            return task.wait(9e9)

I do love bypassing the Adonis anticheat in 9 lines


That is soo crazy yo! (hahshshsha)