Preventing Account Farming and Exploits

I am just asking whether or not macro programs will be impacted or not. I agree to an extent; games that basically require macro programs usually aren’t that fun to manually grind for hours. However, that doesn’t mean macro programs need to go.

I honestly think that this should be an optional feature that developers get to turn on (which it looks like most of it is) if they want to disable macro usage in their games. Once again, I understand having bots banned from the platform entirely, but banning people from all of Roblox for using macro programs feels like a bit much. If developers want people to be able to macro on their game, then that’s a decision that the players and developer should get to make. If you don’t like games that essentially need macro programs to progress, then don’t give those games any attention. People who macro on BSS should still be allowed to if Onett choses to allows it. BSS is his game, and he decides how it’s played. Imo it’s overstepping to ban macro programs instead of only banning regular bot/automated accounts, but I still don’t even know if that’s even the case yet.

Regardless of how I feel about the debate of macro usage on Roblox, this definitely feels more geared towards fully automated accounts. Even if it does involve the removal of macro program usage, I’d be willing to see Roblox’s side of the argument. Removing macro programs would likely encourage more engaging gameplay, make the active user count on larger games more accurate, and increase interaction in games that previously had a large amount of macro-ing accounts (people usually like to play multiplayer games with other people, not bots).


Terminations due to appropriate chats, terminations of innocent groups, false take-downs of games, ALL still happen, and those things have been on the platform since… well, since the platform was created.

You CANNOT tell me that automated moderation has improved signifcantly over the literal last decade or so, and you can ask anyone with a presence on this forum, and they will tell you what I just told you.

Check out Roblox's Moderation Needs To Be Fixed and you will see that there is still people talking about it TO THIS DAY, on a post that was made in 2018.

So how exactly is this supposed to be any different from the above mentioned features?


i have never seen someone back in 2012 get banned for saying “Fat” indirectly


Cuz this is an API, you decide if using it or not.


That’s P2W as heck. How about only accounts that are older that one year can’t use the gold buzzer and it can only be used every year or 2. You have to have all accessible badges. Atleast 10hrs of human gameplay if we give them out like candies you can buy any owner can just use some alts and buy each a golden buzzer no offense that would be kinda bad


Sounds amazing, I can’t wait that this is getting released soon!


I like when I make a post saying I want to prevent farming but make a flawed idling detection system bypassable utilising getconnections by exploiters.

Roblox should move their idling detection from utilising Players.LocalPlayer.Idled to a hidden, C+±specific one so exploiters cannot be off the hook on disconnecting the idling detections or faking inputs utilising any VirtualInput services, but as others have pointed out, it proves futile when Hyperion doesn’t do much further to improve itself.

Hyperion by itself has come with a hefty performance hit. Exploiters rejoice when their game runs at 400 FPS by utilising, which completely disables Hyperion and replaces it with a fake one, emulating it effectively.

It is outlandish that we, the legitimate, valid players, have to deal with heavy performance losses product of Hyperions’ doings, while exploiters get legitimate free performance boosts, which might as well make the game more manageable and buy the LITERAL cheat itself to get more FPS, like exploiters back then used it to unlock FPS in some instances.

Hyperion has lots of room for improvement, and I get that speed isn’t particularly their focus, as they’re constantly re-encrypting the game, but ROBLOX, the game known to run in lots of systems, no matter their architecture, CPU, RAM, etc., has now become simply unrunnable without a mid-decent PC, and ROBLOX knows this but has deleted posts about it.

It is not helped by the fact games like Blade Ball contain AFK Worlds, which are legitimately just AFK number bolsters. Want to get to the front page? Convince your users to join an AFK place, where right before the 20-minute mark they get teleported to avoid a kick. Wonderful, thanks, modern Roblox game design.

Fix your approach to big game developers. Fix your approach to exploiting, and fix your approach to communicating with the community without censoring them for stating factual information.

And foremost, remove the goddamn AFK worlds, because they’re only there to bolster view counts and CCUs, and they should be PROHIBITED.


So you’re saying it has gotten worse?

I’d be inclined to agree :joy:


My favorite game Build Island sometimes recieves exploiters somehow.

Why they are even exploiting if it’s bannable? They usually spam trolled :slight_smile: every time they attempt to exploit the fling system.

To be honest these build island game owners are really bad at moderating.

Roblox only targets client-sided exploiters to ban.
Serverside exploits are very bad as roblox won’t be able to detect them :frowning:


I appreciate your willingness to prevent account farming but the issue at hand here is easy and accessible it is to allow 10+ accounts on 1 device to access the same game.

Some Ideas to prevent this major issue on the platform:

  1. Provide us with bot detection tools (Bot RISK level API) to block suspicious accounts from trading resources

  2. Provide built-in captcha API for high-risk accounts

  3. Provide better server-server functionality. (Example: If we could know if 5 different accounts under the same ip/device/identifier is farming coins we can do something about it)

To conclude:

The main issue is groups of people with 50+ accounts are farming games and blackmarketing goods taking away from both Roblox and the Developers.
I know its not an easy solution to solve but this should be one of the main focuses right now as its really affecting a lot of Roblox games.


If you actually stop with the glaze, you’d realize most of these are exaggerated by all the children who still post slop to this thread, they have no idea why they’re banned and they just make basic assumptions on why it happened based on what they were doing at the time.

I’ve recently played Natural Disaster Survival, and anyone bullying people gets instantly banned a click away due to the new feature allowing users to report individual messages, and anyone who’s most likely joking has immunity, such as someone who said “FATTIE” got instantly banned vs someone else making a joke relating to it but not a direct insult, this is massive for self moderation, and a major improvement to chat reporting, most of the people on that thread anyway know what they’ve done but who can resist the chance to slander the platform were all currently on when the ban reason accidentally picks up a random word despite the actual reason being there, just cropped out.

False takedowns happen less and less, and barely happen in the first place, there’s legitimate reasons these happen and are due to people taking advantage of the system, which is common knowledge but you say it like they can just do it because they want to, in the current stream of things it’s getting better, but it can be hard to differentiate who’s telling the truth, or no games get taken down.


I respect your opinion that Roblox moderation is improving and the factual evidence you provided to support that opinion.

By your same logic it’s OKAY for me to steal your money because as long as you reduced the money that was stolen and are actively working on finding a means to prevent me from continuing to steal your money then it’s perfectly acceptable and that you shouldn’t complain at all about your money being stolen because you’re actively working on trying to prevent the issue from continuing.

So theoretically you either should keep your mouth silent when I steal your money or you can complain but then don’t talk to other people about complaining when you would do the same thing yourself.

Sure they might be working on this issue. That doesn’t mean people can’t complain about it or criticize Roblox.


that’s impossible lol
or add computer checker


kernel level anti cheats is another rabbit hole of basically a malewares.


I mean this was a feature from 2010-2016 until it got removed with a UI update, and now has been re-added. I found that there was way more success reporting people based on selected messages as it added context to the report.


Nice to hear that the exploit issue is not being brushed aside! I don’t know if AI in this case is going to be the best moderation method but certainly better than nothing!


Boho Salon is dying I guess… if it was even still alive
[Assuming this affects groups too]

Yeah will be useful. I’m just afraid that it might backfire and ban people for no reason, but that happens already so I know what to expect.


This is truly great, If I’m going to be honest most games are filled with bots. Majority of games you can’t play without bots being an annoyance. Weather the game developers decide to use the new tools to ban bots or not, It may become a recuring issue with bots/players.


sigh there are ways to make good anti-bot mechanisms without flagging people who do things that arent “regular”


The people behind this use a cloud service, And it costs 6$.