Im so very smart and fanged . So if i see an hacker flying or having negatives values in the leaderboard while me playing my favorite snowballs battle game ,then i report the hacker or if not working ,then i appeal for the instant mods
Like others here said I’ll believe it when I see it. The Ban API was released in nice words half-baked and for half a year the Ban API has seen no improvements at all or anything to justify moving to using it over the old data store system I use. Not only that but the staff responsible for this API tried to excuse one of the reasons that alt detection is not working properly (the only feature that caught my attention with this API) with the consideration for the fact banned users may use the same machine as their brothers/sisters do. Does this sound rational to you?
This is a whole lot of nothing and most of us won’t believe it until we see it. This thread was only made in the first place because of popular Youtubers making videos recently, and I think a lot of us see right through this. You want to prevent account farming but are relying on developers to ban farmers in their games? You really think most devs are going to ban bots that are assisting in their algorithm boost and therefore doing less harm than damage for them? I know I wouldn’t and I am sure a vast majority of developers wouldn’t, especially when after you ban them they will just go to the next game and farm there. If you are serious about fixing this you need to come out and say very strictly that you will be giving out hardware bans to anyone detected farming and additionally, give incentives for developers to ban these farmers that slip through and aren’t detected.
Hyperion is made up of an extremely overqualified group of experts who are simply not allowed to do their job efficiently, why? go figure.
and yes, Hyperion do have the ability to do HWID bans, the code for it is literally in the client already, though once again go figure as to why they don’t/can’t.
Regarding the alt detection, If I recall, the only form of “alt account detection” that would get people flagged is if they were signed into multiple accounts at once with the “switch accounts” feature, this is hardly sufficient.
they need one of the good ones. not a crappy egg hunt involving multiple different games - a REAL egg hunt, like The Great Yolktales [2018] and The Lost Eggs [2017]. god, those were the days
Some games go so far as to design features with alt farming in mind- so their playerbase increases their DAU and CCU.
All the while this is the case, leaving the option to ban to developers won’t solve the problem.
But equally… does it actually need to be solved?
I’m all for giving developers the tools they need to handle alt accounts. Give them the option to moderate, or make changes ingame based on this info, but platform wide bans over it doesn’t feel like a good solution when some game are designed with it in mind. (obvious example being some bigger paid access games designed to give massive advantages to people with alts)
lol, okay? whatever happened to just making enjoyable games that you dont need to macro for?
just saying, they could have banned all the IP blocks or ASN of the platform they’re hosting the bots on by now, but they haven’t.
i’m imagining a conference between the higher ups and their investors like “look at all our player growth!! ” lmao
Your 7th metric is a pretty nice Idea. It would Kind of would draw a line between Verified ID users and non ones. Though this platform is mostly children, so I wouldn’t expect everyone to be ID Verified.
I would say why not just have email verification be a thing on account creation? or even Phone verification. It’s easier for children to access a phone or email than an ID and would be a bit tiresome to bot creators to do that verification process every time. Or would they still be able to get though? Not too sure.
Roblox in community opinion is not trusted in this area. And not only this - almost every aspect of Roblox is not trusted by community. People see the same if not higher amount of exploiters, bots, developers have issues with game bottings, and many other.
Such posts from Roblox was critiquzed by community hell a lot! Any change? Nope. Entire team just ignores all messages which point out problems. Is this intented? - yes, ofc.
As people above me said, this botting won’t just end. Just because it ramps up roblox stats. All bots add on it, in one way or another one. Let’s take the following examples on stats:
Join rate (Plays): each bot = +1 play. 100k bots = 100k plays. If they rejoin game - idk honestly what will occur here, either further bump or nothing.
Playtime: WOW! Game has a players which play for a weeks without breaks! Even without disconnections! Oh, that’s a bot. Nope, bots!
Why this 2 stats are important - they bump game on chart’s list. Why Roblox needs that? To make children think that game is good and get money which they spend on this botted trash.
What’s about cheaters? They are taking advantage over all players. As pointed out by people, they are just NOT afraid of being banned, because they are not. Max punishment is weekly ban. But will it really matter if they can cheat and get weekload of items in a day?
Ofc, they added Hyperion. That’s good thing.
Hyperion was added to reduce impact of that, and indeed, it worked. But let’s remember that it got not on all platforms - 1, exploiters found bypasses - 2. Due to ability to just rerun executor 1000 times with only warning, it’s easy to just try until succeed. Cat and mouse game where cat don’t has claws.
Sadly, that's what it used to be, what it's now, and how it will be further.
Nice to see that Roblox is finally taking action against botting (with exploits might I add) to use for farming collectables in games.
I do wonder how the front page will change because of the high percentage of bot accounts inflating player counts and metrics…
I like this! Although once per year does seem a bit troubling because so many games are posted each day. If I were to vote immediately then I won’t be able to golden buzzer a gem of a game I find the day after. There are 2 solutions I could think of:
Instead of 1 year it could be once every 6 months so we get the options from the start and the middle of the year.
Being able to remove your Golden buzzer to give it to a new game that is more worthy. But you will always have one golden buzzer to give. No giving golden buzzers to multiple games.
I am going to assume that after that year of waiting the golden buzzer would clear, meaning every game will go back to zero buzzers. If the buzzers did not clear then the games would stay stagnant.
Yeah, like there can be an error like this.
Good idea, but what’s about this:
Like, some games will be able to just buy them, although, I’m unsure, and maybe a bit paranoic.
how do people bot in the first place
Most of these bots are ran on a VM(Virtual Machine) and i’m pretty positive that they are able to do some form of fingerprinting to actually figure out if the player is real or not especially considering roblox has access to system information. Roblox should also utilize the fact that they have access to our IPs because they can use that to monitor the amount of accounts that are active on an IP. Some issues will come up because of rotating IPs and VPNs however roblox has a access to all the sessions that are active which should further help with detection.
However we as developers also have to utilize the tools that they have given us like the Ban API to some up with our own server sided solutions. Its not going to be a perfect solution because there will always be a work around that someone finds.
Roblox always fixes these problems and is obviously going to fix something as severe as this, obviously it’s an administrator commenting for Roblox, as Roblox isn’t a real entity, it’s accessed by all the employees on the platform.
You don’t always have to be a downer about an issue like this, having updates you want to happen that don’t happen doesn’t equal Roblox doesn’t fix severe problems, Roblox is absolutely known for fixing problems for the community, else we wouldn’t have our own #bug-reports channel to report bugs that get fixed in due time.
You are being extremely ungrateful for the amount of transparency Roblox is giving about issues like this, they’ve always done so much for the platform in the past few years making up for the lack of transparency and paused updates they had during the 2018-era.
If you know nothing about Roblox they’re losing money due to the bot crisis, it isn’t helping them due to the bots causing actual economy loss, tanking engagement and playtime and losing money due to real loss.
This post will probably be removed but you deserve to be ridiculed for this slop you produced.
Roblox doesn’t always fix these problems. That’s why the original post exists in the first place. This is Roblox acknowledging a problem they haven’t fixed yet, with tentative plans on how they think they can fix them.
This has been an issue that has existed for years - apparently because of Roblox’s inability to reconcile harsh account action for cheating vs. a “growth at all costs” model.
Every executor is detected, I don’t know why they hit the ban hammar button.
Saying someone should be ridiculed because they criticized a company who has blood on their hands is absolutely mind boggling. Remember when there was filtering disabled exploits that existed in the past where little kids could see disturbing 18+ content everywhere? There are kids out there who have witnessed terrorism because of Roblox’s inability to remove the inappropriate content before it reached their eyes. You wouldn’t like it if people ridiculed you over a comment you made on the dev forum… so don’t do it to other people.