Print returns Blank (No Text) when there is text on TextBox?

Straight-forward version:

local TextService = game:GetService('TextService')
local String = 'Hello world!'

local FilterSuccess, FilterResult = pcall(function()
	return TextService:FilterStringAsync(String, PlayerUserId)
if (FilterSuccess)
	String = FilterResult:GetNonChatStringForUserAsync(PlayerUserId) or ''
	print(('Unexpected error with FilterSuccess!: %s'):format(FilterResult))

I don’t understand clearly. Could you give me like an example? A short one?

Just did in my post above, I edited it.

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How would we use it for a situation like mine?

String would be the filtered string.
You should be able to implement this.

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Thanks again, real poggers bro…

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I’m sorry I’m still pissed about this even after 2 months. THAT IS BASICALLY WHAT I SAID!