Print table in output

I don’t think that would work because it is not going to print “Much Code”, “Such works” or “Wow”

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That is because you can’t print a table.

@tnt_Dante It worked for me and it printed in the out put.

yes you can as @ QueriesFromADumbDev write and for me it worked same but for now its stopped working

Okay nvm then. Make a for loop and make it print each value in the table. For i, v loops are made specifically for table.

Maybe its a studio glitch try restarting it?

I restarted but didnt work and also I restart Studio Settings but still same result

Try writing the code:

for i, v in pairs(myTable) do

Just so you know you also need to have the table with the code I just said.


try this

local mytable = [pizza, potato, chips]
for i, v  in pairs(mytable) do
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It printed I don’t know if its too small.

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Yes, this is how it should work. Really didn’t understand why its not working. Also it is proof that you can print table

My output window:
“Show tables expanded by default” → this is telling me that that should work and its implemented

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Have you made sure “Log Mode” isn’t on? you can find the option for it by clicking the 3 dots in top right corner of the output window.


THANK YOU VERY MUCH, now its working again. You are an Angel. Thank you

Also thanks everyone who joined this discussion :slight_smile:

Happy developing :slight_smile:


what exactly does log mode do?

Yeah, what does log mode do? I’m curious.

I did a google search and it says “Log Mode — Simplifies output by removing options such as expandable trees.”


that’s very interesting

I don’t see where I would need to use it but that explains why turning it off worked

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What the heck is an expandable tree tho?

you know that arrow in scripts and output that you can press/click and then they expand things or shrink them

that’s what that is

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Ohhhhhhhh that makes sense now, thanks.

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