Print table in output

Can I please see your script? I think I know the problem. Delete the print you have then put a few lines under the current code, then right the lines shown:

for i, v in pairs(myTable) do

You should enable the new output in beta features settings

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Can we see your script so we can figure out what’s going on exactly?

Yes you can


yes, something like this, and I had same output in past but now I have just memory address.

Like @llyasTawawe said, unless you’re in-game using Roblox’s F9 tab output, you can go up to Beta Features, and enable the new output.

It handles things way better, and it prints tables correctly. You might need to enter Roblox’s beta program for it to show up though (not sure).

Maybe something like this?
local mytable = {"Much Code", "Such works", "Wow"}

I haven’t option with new output or something like that. And I don’t understand how is possible that it worked before and not for now. Its really weird.

And also for people who write to make it through loops, yes I know and thank you for your advice but it worked properly without it before.

yes, exactly, but my output is:


and it should be like this

I don’t think that would work because it is not going to print “Much Code”, “Such works” or “Wow”

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That is because you can’t print a table.

@tnt_Dante It worked for me and it printed in the out put.

yes you can as @ QueriesFromADumbDev write and for me it worked same but for now its stopped working

Okay nvm then. Make a for loop and make it print each value in the table. For i, v loops are made specifically for table.

Maybe its a studio glitch try restarting it?

I restarted but didnt work and also I restart Studio Settings but still same result

Try writing the code:

for i, v in pairs(myTable) do

Just so you know you also need to have the table with the code I just said.


try this

local mytable = [pizza, potato, chips]
for i, v  in pairs(mytable) do
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It printed I don’t know if its too small.

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Yes, this is how it should work. Really didn’t understand why its not working. Also it is proof that you can print table

My output window:
“Show tables expanded by default” → this is telling me that that should work and its implemented

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