print(Array) get the content on Output log

Hey everyone o/

I have a doubt about print() a table and read the output.
I noticed along a couple of years that sometimes (after Roblox Studio Updates) sometimes when I print() an array, the output console automatically reads each element inside the table and show it on output, and sometimes it doesnt (depending on the Studio update)

Like this:

local Array = {A = 1, B = 2, C = 3}
--[[ And the output is
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3

And sometimes the output is like this:
table: 0x1271c0dd61492f70

Is there a Studio feature to enable to always print a table and showing its content in output? Why sometimes its enabled and after an update its not, then after another update it is enabled… its confusing.
I know I can iterate (for loop) and print the content of the table, but, I would wish to know if theres a feature to enable it in order to always show the content on output log by print(Array)

Its related with “Expressive Output Window” ? I cant find that feature to activate it, what am I doing wrong?

Expressive Output should just be a feature at this point, since it was rolled out late 2020. As far as getting tables expanded, tables will never be expandable if they are keys within another table, and tables printed into the in-game developer console will also not be expandable.

It looks like another user had similar problems, so check to make sure you don’t have “Log Mode” turned on in the little three dots dropdown in the output window.


Im always playing with those options on the 3 dots, never noticed that was the problem xD
Thank you so much, that was the issue, now the tables show its content perfectly thank you!

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