The video shows what prismatic constraints are supposed to do
Reproduction Step: Go into Roblox Studio and follow the exact steps of the video tutorial(Example Steps: Create a model with two parts, one named platform with att1 and one named slider with att0 and connect the prismatic constraint to the corresponding attachments as shown in the video)
Expected Behavior: Prismatic Constraints move the character along with the moving part
Actual Behavior: Prismatic Constraints no longer move the character along with the moving part
Expected behavior
Prismatic Constraints should always move the character along with the moving part since align position no longer does that behavior. There should always be clear instructions available on what developers should currently be using to achieve an important task such as creating a moving platform with moving characters. Please help. Thank you!
Mine is still not working. According to @PrizeCounterPuncher with the constraint itself it doesn’t seem to respect the properties of the constraint. Here is the script inside of my model.
local Twenty = 20
local Zero = 0
local MovingPlatform = script.Parent
while true do
MovingPlatform.Slider.Prismatic.TargetPosition = Twenty
MovingPlatform.Slider.Prismatic.TargetPosition = Zero
Yes. After some further testing I see that both of the parts are unanchored in yours and one of the parts in mine is anchored. This is what is causing this problem and since mine falls to the ground with it being unanchored you need to help me fix it. Thank you!
Thank you for attaching your file. I think the issue is just the size of your platform. Everything seems to work if the platform is expanded to match the size of the avatar. Using the legacy humanoid controller, I’m not 100% sure if the issue relates to floor detection or just a low of frictional force between the humanoid and platform that fails to move the character before it falls off. Either way, a bigger platform part fixes the problem.
If you are feeling ambition, you could try the new character controller: Releasing Character Physics Controllers
Using the new controller, the character seems to move with the part a bit easier but the new controller might need some tuning to get the behavior you want (customization is one of its main selling points).
I did some more testing and came to the conclusion that it was the size and mass of the platform causing the issue
Size =, 1, 3.48) --This represents the size of the part that causes the character to stop moving with it
Mass = 9.744 --This represents the mass of the part that causes the character to stop moving with it
I am able to come up with my own solutions to this problem and it wouldn’t have been possible without your help
I really appreciate you Dr. Cherenkov! Thank you so much for your time and help. I wish you all the best. Have a wonderful day