Problem Datastore

I have now this, but this is not working.

	local Ok, Result = pcall(function()
		return DSS:GetAsync(tostring(plr.UserId.."-BAN"))

	if (Ok) then
		-- // If the call was successful
		if (Result) then
			plr:Kick("GAMEBAN | Je bent Permanent Verbannen van deze server, dit betekend dat je geen toegang meer hebt tot de game, klopt dit niet maak een ticket in de Community Server.")
			-- If the player has any data, kick them
			-- // Player does not have any data
		-- // Unable to get the player's data

How are you saving the data, and are you sure that it is saving correctly?

This is how save the data:

game.ReplicatedStorage["Admin System"].Pban.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, plrToBan, Reason)
	if Player:GetRankInGroup(MyModule.GroupID) >= MyModule.BanID then
		local Table = {Reason}
		DSS:SetAsync(tostring(game.Players[plrToBan].UserId).."-BAN", Table)
		game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(plrToBan):Kick("PERMBAN | ".. (Reason or ""))
		Player.PlayerGui["Admin Panel"]:Destroy()

In that case, a table is not needed as you are only saving the reason.

DSS:SetAsync(tostring(game.Players[plrToBan].UserId).."-BAN", Reason)

Make sure that the data is saved, and that there are no errors.

Yup, no errors but the check doesn’t work, banning works and saving in database only the check doesnt work when a player joins. Here proof of database.

I am unable to assist you further as I see no issues with the scripts.
However, you can try printing Result to make sure the player has any data saved.

Please make sure that you test this in a live server.

Yeahh it works now!

Btw, i have one question more how can i get the reason from the table?

Result should be the reason.