Problem with Animating Tool

posting on behalf of someine im working with

So I’m posting as this is a script for a goalie stick and when someone equips the tool it plays the animation and the goalie stick is supposed to be in the right position from where it was animated, but it’s not. How do I fix this? It should be in the right position from where it was animated so that when I click on the tool it’s in the right position.

local Tool = script.Parent
local Player = Tool.Parent.Parent
local Char = Player.Character

    local Motor6D ="Motor6D",Char["Right Arm"])
    Motor6D.Name = "GoalieMotor6D"
    Motor6D.Part0 = Char["Right Arm"]
    Motor6D.Part1 = Tool.Handle
    local stance = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("GoalieControls"):WaitForChild("IdleAnimation")
    local AnimTrack = Char.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(stance)

What is happening

What it’s supposed to look like

This happens when you create a new Motor6D vs how the motor6D rig is created within a rig editor:

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