Problem with collision groups

don’t worry im fine ------------------

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I still have the problem :frowning: --------------------

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pls help --------------------------------

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sorry for bumping again but i really try hard but the problem doesn’t want to get fixed

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just bumping because i still haven’t found the isue

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Could you explain what you want to do?

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I want to make an ragdoll that tries to mimic the player (that works)
but it collides with the player and just jitters around
so the collision groups aren’t working

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I’ve been trying a lot of different things but it still doesn’t work

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So you basically want the player character to be a dummy?

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yes ------------------------------------

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just help please ---------------------------

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I know what to do but I just need to get back home, max like 30min-1hr

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don’t worry i am just a bit angry at roblox because it just doesn’t work

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why not use a startercharacter?

or what about making the dummy no collide and letting the player have collisions?

then the dummy would just go trough itself

This should make the player character look like a dummy. By the way, a ragdoll is something else! Put this script into a script inside of ServerScriptService, I believe you can scrap your old code but just disable the scripts just incase if something bad happens.

		local newChar = game.ServerStorage.Serverasstes.dollpreset:Clone()
		local oldChar = plr.Character
		plr.Character = newChar
		newChar.Parent = workspace

it doen’t make it wobely --------

The only problem i have are the collsion groups not working so roblox even says that the colllsion groups are set correctly but I doesn’t aply the no colision effect

still haven’t got an solution ----------