Problem with Frame Position when AspectRatio changes

Hello Developers,

I am currently making a GUI and I have come across a problem.
When the Aspect Ratio of the player’s screen changes, the position of the frame goes up a bit.
I have used the AutoScale plugin, changed the offset of the frame to scale and inserted an UIAspectRatioConstraint (from the plugin) and the frame still moves up.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Normal position:

When the AspectRatio changes:

Best regards,

The only way to fix this that i know is to use AnchorPoint property of GUI object.

For example to make your UI object always be on the right bottom corner you need to set an AnchorPoint to 1,1. You will also need to change a position of object a little, but its not a problem i think.

Similar topic: Aspect ratio changes GUI