Problem with in game purchase of UGC limited

:man_shrugging: wish i knew lol, it would be helpful to give at least an error code.


UGC Limiteds can only be sold to players via Server scripts, if they are in-experience.


Yes it is in experience, I’m trying to make it work rn but my lackluster scripting skills are holding me back xd

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if you, or anyone for that matter could point me in the right direction id appreciate it, tried making a click detector part bring the prompt up but I just cannot make it work.

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Was it a newly released free UGC limited? That’s the error that appears on the website where it is entirely sold out even if visually on your end it is still in stock, just due to people buying it very quick

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no its a 100 stock @500r each, none have sold


Try using a proximityprompt

(soz if code wacky i wrote it on mobile)

— do prompt here

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where do i put that? on a script inside a part in the workspace? sorry im honestly clueless lol

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Make a part, add the object ProximityPrompt, place script inside of proximityprompt

local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent

there are better ways to do this this is just the quickest route

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Try a server script instead of a local script. I think I recall something about that from ages ago.

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Your issue, as stated by other developers above is that you cannot prompt UGC limits in local scripts as it is a security risk. As stated in the roblox docs: " If prompting a purchase of a Limited item, the request must come from the server or the purchase fails."

You should use a remote event (and debounces while your at it) to make sure your handling it correctly. Something like this should work:

Local script:

local button = script.Parent
local RemoteEvent = nil -- replace with pathway


Server Script:

local RemoteEvent = nil -- replace with pathway
local market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local id = <putting item id here>
local WhoCanBuyIt = {}

     table.insert(WhoCanBuyIt, plr.Name)

market.PromptPurchaseFinished:Connect(function(plr, AssetID, DidTheyBuyIt)
     if AssetID == id and DidTheyBuyIt == true then 
         table.remove(WhoCanBuyIt, table.find(WhoCanBuyIt, plr.Name))


  if table.find(WhoCanBuyIt, plr.Name) == nil then return end


Edit: fixed an error in my script

Edit 2: Made my debounce system account for the 60 second limitation placed on limited UGCs


I am also literally having the same issue right now.

Thank you for your lengthy reply, Trying to make this work with a Proximity Prompt but I’m having troubles with “replace with pathway” What exactly would the pathways be if i have the part with the proximity prompt & local script in the workspace and the server script in “ServerScriptService”

Replace with pathway is for the remote event. The remote event is an instance and so you need to make one. Often they are patented to replicated storage and given a unique name. An example of this pathway may be:


Where GiveLimitedItem is my Remote Event unique name. All your doing is giving the script where it exists so it can be used.

If your wanting to do this with a proximity prompt, then change the local script to:

local ProximityPrompt = nil —Place with pathway that mentions your Proximity Prompt

local RemoteEvent = nil —Replace with pathway to remote event

     if Player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then

And put this local script in StarterPlayer < StarterPlayerScripts

Trying to set it up and getting this error

I have a part (“Buyer”) with the proximity prompt in the workspace

“GiveLimitedItem” RemoteEvent in replicated storage

the server’s purchase script in ServerScriptService


the proximity prompt checker in StartPlayerScripts
(I noticed “Player” was underlined in red, could that be a problem? I also removed the other “end)” because that was giving me an error as well)

some edits. Try this:

repeat task.wait() until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Buyer")
local ProximityPrompt = game.Workspace.Buyer.ProximityPrompt

local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.GiveLimitedItem

     if Player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then

Error is gone but no prompt, Did i do something wrong with where I placed the rest of the scripts and stuff?

Did you wait 60 seconds?

According to UGCs to prompt a limited item, a user must be in game for 60 seconds. If you want, you could disable the prompt and re-enable it on the client when those 60 seconds are up. Here is an example:

repeat task.wait() until game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("Buyer")
local ProximityPrompt = game.Workspace.Buyer.ProximityPrompt
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.GiveLimitedItem

ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true

     if Player == game.Players.LocalPlayer then

Oh I completely forgot about the 60 seconds xd, my bad. It seems to be working now. Thank you!

Don’t have anyone to test if the purchase actually goes through since I already own the item but once I get someone to figure that out i’ll update the post as solved.

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Have this solution worked? Talking about the 60 seconds wait.

So figured out a solution, I was using a local script to prompt the purchase for a limited UGC item. By searching for an hour I found that for limited item we should use the MarketService:PromptPurchase(player, id) in server script.
It is working now on my end.