Problem with lighting

I have a secret place I’m working on and take a look at this:

I have a really dark place over there and I need to light up this place without using too many of these lights and this happens. I don’t know how to avoid this…


Well, if you don’t want shadows at all, you can go to lighting and click GlobalShadows off.

Or you can change a property in the lights you have and turn up the range on the light.

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I’m guessing your issue is the glowing box. What lighting technology are you using? What is the thing that is glowing, is it a mesh? If not, what material is it? This could simply be that you need to use more lights with lower brightness/ranges, as opposed to one light with a high brightness and range.

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Did you make sure to fix your Bloom within the “Lightining” category?

Perhaps he is responsible for this glow in the models inside the room.

You can read more about Bloom Effect here.

Attach a SurfaceLight to the ceiling, and cast that light downwards.

Here’s a resource:

You might want to try it out and see if results are desirable.