Problem with local sided loading animations

I am currently making a stand kit system where it needs to load animations via local side and also play them via the local, for a better gameplay experience in general.
The problem being the animations obviously only play in the local side, and for the server the player 's stand is doing absolutely nothing, hitboxes still work but it wouldn’t be a real game with animations not loading for the main stand.

For clarification I need to play these animations via local, I already tried making the server load the animation tracks and send them to the local side, returns all tracks as nil.
Tried making the animation controller on server and sending it to the local and then load it there but it obviously doesnt work aswell.

The type is a normal r6 rig, the local can load the player animations but not the other r6 rig with the controller ( since it doesnt have a humanoid ), any idea on how could I play these animations or is it not possible?

Are you trying to have the animations play individually for each client, or all at once, at the same time, for everyone?

Individually for each character.
For example you press and hold E to start releasing a rush of punches.
Meanwhile someone is simply standing with the idle stand animation.

A stand in this scenario is basically a r6 rig that is standing behind the player and welded to its humanoid root part so it follows the player around

By individually I mean only the local client can see the animation. I believe you want everyone to see the animations. I prefer to run animations through the Client side.

I responded to an extremely similar question yesterday that should help you out.

I believe I have another solution.
Is there a way to change the Animator object parent to inside the AnimationController, I recently noticed that its not replicated on the server, any idea?

Just found a solution to my problem.
Your response gave me the idea to it thanks a lot mate.