Problem with Raycast Car Bouncing

Interesting approach. However, it did not seem to work for me for some reason.

It only works if the framerate is above 18, which is an improvement to the previous minimum of 30. While not a significant improvement, it does help.

I also tried averaging out the last 10 frames, which ended up even worse.

I believe this has something to do with my vehicle’s mass, which is about 3000. However, I cannot be sure.

Edit: Resorted to making a “hybrid” chassis. In other words, the chassis will convert itself to using SpringConstraints upon user preference.

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wouldnt this start to be performance heavy with more wheels and cars moving around?

Love you bro. I had a long time issue using Vector Forces, since I couldn’t figure out how to get it to work for vehicles of different weights. I appreciate this

Hey, I know this post is pretty old, but I’m just wondering how you ended up getting it to work. I don’t want you to code the whole thing for me, but if you could just take a look at my code I would really appreciate it (it’s short :grinning:). The problem is that it’s uncontrollabley shaking up and down until it flips over.

I’ve tried multiplying the force by the base’s mass, but same thing happens.

local Car = workspace.Car
local Base = Car.PrimaryPart

local WheelNames = {

local SuspensionMemory = {}
for _, WheelName in pairs(WheelNames) do
	SuspensionMemory[WheelName] = 0.5

local WheelRadius = 0.5 -- should add as attribute in the car
local RestLength = WheelRadius*2*1.3 -- should add as attribute in the car

local Stiffness = 10 -- maybe add as attribute in vector force?
local Damper = 1 -- maybe add as attribute in vector force?

while true do
	local Delta = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait()
	local CarCFrame = Base.CFrame -- maybe add inside the next loop but this might be better performance
	local RayParams =
	RayParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Car}
	RayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	for _, WheelName in pairs(WheelNames) do
		local Attachment: Attachment =  Base[WheelName]
		local AttachCF = Attachment.WorldCFrame
		local StartPos = AttachCF.Position
		local Up = AttachCF.UpVector
		local Ray_Dir = Up * -(WheelRadius + RestLength) -- ray direction with length of the resting suspension + wheel radius. basically imagine if car is floating, the length of the suspension till bottom of wheel
		local Ray_End = StartPos + Ray_Dir -- the position where the ray would end. maybe use for smthn if ray didnt hit?
		local Raycast = workspace:Raycast(StartPos, Ray_Dir, RayParams)
		local WheelPos = Ray_End + (Up * WheelRadius) -- the postion of the center of tire if the suspension is resting
		if Raycast then
			local LastLength = SuspensionMemory[WheelName]
			WheelPos = Raycast.Position + (Up * WheelRadius)
			local Length = (StartPos - WheelPos).Magnitude -- maybe clamp this between max and 0?
			local Force_Stiffness = Stiffness * (RestLength - Length) -- rest minus length would be 0 if at full extension, so no forces
			local Force_Damper = Damper * (RestLength - Length) / Delta -- hmmm idk what it does really
			local Force = (Force_Stiffness + Force_Damper) * 100

			Attachment.Spring.Force = Force * Raycast.Normal -- align to surfaceee
			SuspensionMemory[WheelName] = Length
			-- maybe suspension memory should be the max? idk abt forces
			Attachment.Spring.Force =,0,0)

Here is what my “Car” is looking like, each attachment has a VectorForce named Sprind in it, and its enabled and set to 0, 0, 0 by default.

And this is how it’s behaving.

I also sent you a friend request so that I can share the place with you if you want to take a look for yourself. I apologise if I’m annoying you with work, but I have been trying to do this for a few days. Been scripting for many years, but never tried car physics before. Thanks for any replies!