May 4, 2023, 7:29pm
I wanted to make some stylized trees that actually looked good for a long time, and once I saw one guy post an image of his foliage. Of course, I tried to ask how did he do it so smoothly but as I thought he would gate-keep the method, so now I’m here on the dev forum asking you guys
how do I make it smooth, I know its something to do with vertexes or sum
A few days ago, I was also asking the same thing, however, I figured out how they make it after hours of researching.
this might help ^-^ /
I believe I found out how to make it now,
The solution was to just make the tree in Blender, by following this YouTube tutorial:
[How to Make a Stylized Tree by using Blender and Unity]
But if you already have a trunk, just import the mesh to blender then make the leaves there.
Now for the properties of the mesh:
Transparency = 0
Material = Plastic
Double-sided = False
Cast shadow = false
(If you do the blender portion process correctly, it will cre…
April 14, 2024, 1:56am
Hey man, appreciate for that. It took me hours of research too to find out how to do it.
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May 6, 2024, 3:12am
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