Problem with tile movement system

No, im absolutely stumped

the only thing that it could be is that it’s a localscript and its trying to access the server workspace, but it can also get the target cords easy

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With what value does the Attribute be given to

The problem is cuz you can compare only numbers, use a Magnitude to get a lenght of a vector instead. I hope I help you :wink:

what do you mean???
explain more

this is the code now

local units = game.Workspace.Units:GetChildren()
local move = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Move

local selected = false

for _, unit in ipairs(units) do
	if unit:IsA("Model") and unit:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model") then
		local char = unit:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model")
		local hitbox = char:WaitForChild("Hitbox")
		local click = hitbox:WaitForChild("ClickDetector")
		local data = unit:FindFirstChild("Data")

		if click and data then
				data.Extra.SelectionBox.Visible = true

				if selected == false then
					data.Extra.SelectionBox.Visible = false
				selected = not selected
				data.Extra.SelectionBox.Visible = true
			local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
				if mouse.Target.Parent.Name == "Tiles" and mouse.Target:IsA("MeshPart") then
					local targetTile = mouse.Target
					local targetCords = targetTile:GetAttribute("Cords")
					local currentTile = data.CurrentTile
					local currentCords = currentTile:GetAttribute("Cords")
					--TODO move to server script
					local maxMove = data:GetAttribute("MoveRange")
					print(targetCords, currentCords, maxMove)
					if (targetCords.X <= maxMove.X) and (targetCords.Y <= maxMove.Y) and data.Owner.Value == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
						char.HumanoidRootPart.Position = targetTile.Position +, 0.65, 0)

To get an Attribute you have to set one and give the attribute a value, just like how you did with your tile and max attribute

So like what is the value set to at server start?

its 2, 1

is it working now? Or still having a errors?

It’s not having any errors, it’s just printing the CurrentCords nil even tho it is clearly defined

my peanut brain forgot to put a .Value at the end of the currenttile value, so its fixed now lol

thanks for your time though

debug currentTile, maybe the ‘Cords’ attribute doesn’t exist? debug, data and etc.

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